The Psychology of the Crows

The Psychology of the Crows 


For about two years now, it is common for some crows to come to my home regularly for food. In the backyard, drinking water is usually done in the backyard. Apart from crows, many creatures like Myna and small birds come here to drink water. Then I began to store the dish in a bowl with water. Initially, the regular guests consist of three or four crows. It is not known whether the crows gradually increase in numbers and because of their feeling of a safe place. Two crows settled in two palms in the east and west courtyards, each with a permanent residence.

Within five months, there was a dramatic increase in the number of crows in the yard. In the meantime, the eggs were laid in the nest and the new born baby crows were counting. Many times the eggs are hatched, there are many crows and There was also a need to make a lot of food for the crow. In the meantime, one thing I have come to realize is that they prefer chapatti more than rice and other rice foods. Subsequently, Chapathi is given the default. Until a couple of months ago, the crows would come in the morning alone and drink chapati and drink water. At other times, they will be staying permanently in the area adjacent to the hotel. Don't leave this place because they get food from the hotel. But three or four crows of the herd regularly come to eat chapatis four or five times a day.

Three months ago, Me woke up in the middle of a day and found that a baby crow had fallen down from the coconut tree. It was a disturbing sight. If we take In the daytime, they will see that the crow is dead and the crows will be the enemy. Therefore, it was removed from the courtyard at night. After another week, another baby crow fell down, but it did not hurt. But it didn't grow fast enough to fly. Very hardly fly over the banana trees and over the wall. The cat in the neighborhood followed. The mother crow kept her baby throughout the day. The next morning, we see the little crow's wings and the blood-soaked cat. Whenever a raven sees that cat for several days, the crows attack him.

But what we have no answer for is the fact that when two young children died, they did not come to the courtyard for a few days and did not eat. Likewise, a baby without mother is not included. Monkeys have a habit that when jumping from one tree to the next, one of them fall down and are no longer in the group. It is wonderful to see a baby monkey living alone from group of monkeys. What the crow's psychology is, of course, remains largely unknown.

Kovid 19 The pestilence will soon be brought under control, and humans and other life forms on the planet will hope to soon 


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